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“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates, Teacher and Father of Western Philosophy

Octopod – Revolutionizing Education

Octopod is a community driven digital platform for the people who want to share their perspectives, propose solutions, and contribute towards creating a better future for our education system.

Octopod is the channel to pave a path for the collective effort of the citizens of the country to set up a dialogue on various issues related to the educational system like- technology and education, assessment and attainment, health and child development to name a few.

We, at Octopod, will achieve the impossible. This is a channel through which each and every person will be able to share his/her idea for a better education system. The ideas from the general public will be taken into consideration, analyzed and preceded with a deliberate action.

In today’s world the education is focused in around different urban centers, Octopod will help channelize these efforts towards the rural communities through its digital technology.

This platform provides a contemporary, unbiased and progressive space to freely communicate, collaborate and integrate visions and ideas into reality.

This exchange of ideas bridges the gap between the educators and the policy makers, resulting in substantial improvement in the educational opportunities.

This initiative will be our first step towards the evolution of the educational system of the country.

This platform is open for all of us to connect, collaborate and communicate to unearth some challenges in the current education system.
